Language Masters

About Us

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Our Vision

To be a leading language school that enables individuals to realize their full potential, making a world where communication transcends linguistic boundaries, and foster meaningful cross-cultural connections.

Our Mission

To provide innovative language solutions, empowering individuals to become the masters of their targeted language and broaden their horizons. Committed to a global community where language bridges gaps, enriches lives, and promotes understanding.

Immersive Learning

Practical and immersive learning experience

Students take center stage.

Empowering students to lead their learning.

Engaging Online Learning for All

Online class made possible for everyone yet engaging and interactive.

Student Connections

Nurturing relationship between Teacher and Student.

The Masters​

Our Masters are ready to guide you in your Language learning journey!

John Kristoffer Ruiz

President and CEO

More than 10 years experience in Japanese Language Learning industry. Master of Arts in Education Degree Holder

Sarah Jane Nakazawa


More than 30 years experience in Japanese Language Learning industry

Irene Grace Rapada

Executive Assistant to the President and Admin Officer

More than 4 years experience working in Japan.

Marie Colotario

Officer – Masters Japanese Program

JLPT N1 Certificate holder, more than 2 years of teaching experience.

Badrodin Panday Guialodin

Sales and Marketing Manager

More than 4 years of digital marketing experience.

Company Details

Company Name

Language Masters Co., Ltd.

Establishment Date

January 2024


2-5-16-3 Nakajima, Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama

Capital Fund

1,000,000 yen

Phone number


Email address​

Representative Name

Ruiz John Kristoffer Hererra
ルイズ ジャン クリストファー ヘレラ

Site Administartor

Ruiz Paul
ルイズ ポール